Event Rental Advice and Tips

How Your Zodiac Sign Translates to Event Planning

Written by Alpine Events | Nov 3, 2022 5:00:00 PM

What can we say, Gen Z and this astrology stuff have us by a chokehold and we are here for it. Don’t know anything about astrology? No fear! We have the perfect jumpstart for you and your planning experience when it comes to your next event. 

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your passion and confidence have gotten you far and so will the fire elements that guide you. Your in-the-moment attitude and ideas make you the perfect fit for being on a creative brainstorming team and the perfect confidant for a Virgo or Sagittarius. There’s no shame in the imagination game and that is why you are the ring leader of any good party planning creative process. 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Being the bull that you are, you’re the one to call on for full transparency. Taurus, you've got the planning teams' back when it comes to getting it done. Any problem that the team has, you are ready to break down doors and barriers alike in order to get the vision across. Where there is a Taurus, there’s a way!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your ability to banter and form relationships with just about anyone is great for establishing partnerships, especially when it comes to creating the best planning team dynamic. Your high energy and curiosity to do more will allow you to be a great co-leader to a practical sign, or hold your own as a lone innovative leader. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You're wrangling all the opinions and coordinating each person's role within the party planning process. Placing yourself as the de-facto HR persona fits perfectly with your willingness to care for others. Don’t let your reputation for being ruled by your emotions get to you, we know that it's just as much of a superpower as it is a challenge.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You’re bringing creative heat and spicy energy to the team—and we are fans. Though you may not let people into your creative vision immediately, you have lots to dish out and everyone is here to hang on to your every word. Your passion for anything you put your mind to makes you a great assistant, especially when it comes to creating a visual masterpiece.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Do we really need to say anything here?! Virgo, with your ability to bring everyone back to earth, you are equally as equipped to reign everyone in and create the perfect game plan. You are a straight shooter and will give the people exactly what they need, whether it's your personal event or an event for a client.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The overall aesthetic, physical appearance, and vibe of the event itself is your realm of responsibility...what better sign to give this role to? When partnered with a trend-setting sign such as Aquarius, this dynamic duo is bound to break glass ceilings. Though your element is air, there is nothing uncertain about the originality that you are able to bring to the team. 

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your fiery spirit sets you apart from other water signs and you make that known. As the fire sign of the water signs, you can go with the flow where necessary, or blaze a trail where need be. As a Scorpio, you are in charge of individual tasks that you are able to take on by yourself for the betterment of the team. You are big on follow-through and are not afraid to show that off to your party planning team.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You are a leader through and through regardless of whether you're on the introverted end of the social scale or more of an extrovert. You are a natural when it comes to taking initiative and having a plan for the goals that you wish to achieve. Leading a team may not be your first pick. However, your emotional intelligence and interest in learning more about everything helps carry the party planning team to the finish line.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You’re counted on for stability and practicality. Though you are oftentimes seen as all-knowing, your willingness to learn new things at any given moment gives you the perfect edge to being the strategist on any team—especially event planning. Your persistence helps you hold your own just as much as it creates space for others to have defined roles within your team.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Let’s be honest, you’re the trendsetter. We know you know this but we are here to say it again. You are spearheading all things with creative vision, setting the tone of the party, and vision boarding. Leave the logistics to the earth signs of the world, we know you aren’t a fan and you’re so valid for that.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your go-with-the-flow tendencies have landed you exactly where you are meant to be, particularly when it comes to making arrangements. You are the floater of the group, the one that your team can depend on for any task no matter how big or small. Though you are represented as a fish, there’s nothing fishy about your ability to bring your creative vision and empathy to the table.

Still in need of assistance finding the perfect planning solutions for your next occasion? We have got you covered... regardless of your astrology sign.